Elderly Jokes :: #5599
By Samantha from USA.
Grandpa: boy, how many miles do you walk to school?
Boy: about a half mile.
Grandpa: when I was your age I walked eight miles to school every day. Boy, what are your grades like?
Boy: they are mostly B’s.
Grandpa: when I was your age I got all A’s. Boy, have you ever gotten into a fight?
Boy: only two times and the boy beat me up.
Grandpa: When I was your age I was in a fight every day. Boy, how old are you?
Boy: 9 years old.
Grandpa: when I was your age I was 11
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Self-Improvement :: #352
By Isabel Goetz from Monterrey USA.
Sky´s the limit
If you did all the things you are capable of doing,
you would literally amaze yourself.
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